

Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Aliquam laoreet sapien ac ornare mollis. Etiam ut neque ullamcorper, sodales purus vel, euismod leo. Duis vestibulum ipsum eu facilisis aliquet. Donec pulvinar mauris in leo luctus rutrum et ut velit.


Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Aliquam laoreet sapien ac ornare mollis. Etiam ut neque ullamcorper, sodales purus vel, euismod leo. Duis vestibulum ipsum eu facilisis aliquet. Donec pulvinar mauris in leo luctus rutrum et ut velit.

Tapping - Borrowing Benifits Club
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM   Feb 2, 2021
(Self Improvement)

Tuesday evening Tapping Borrowing Benefits Club/Yoga Taps Yin Class Jan 26 to Mar 9th. (7 Classes).

Every Tuesday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 we will be doing some group tapping as we help each other clear some emotional baggage. Fee $42. + HST = $48.30

Then Join us from 6:30 to 7:45 for a Yoga Taps Yin Class. This class blends Chanting. Tapping, Yin Yoga, Meditation, and Affirmations. Fee $77 + HST = $88.50

Special fee if taking both classes $105. + HST = $120.75

As COVID 19 Protocol requires that workshops/seminars be scheduled we ask that you go to the following website to book and pay for your workshops/seminars. We are not allowed drop-ins, however, as this is a course that builds upon itself, on the first night only,  check the website or call the day of the event we will let you know if there are any spaces still available

Website: Please come back soon, We will post the website when it goes live

Email (info.eventsholistic@gmail.com) or Call 902-916-4341 if you have any questions.

Please register with us by calling or emailing the following: Health Within Holistic Centre (902) 566-5009 info@healthwithinholistics.com

Find out more

Yoga Taps Yin Class
6:30 PM - 7:45 PM   Jan 26, 2021
(Self Improvement)

Tuesday evening Tapping Borrowing Benefits Club/Yoga Taps Yin Class Jan 26 to Mar 9th. (7 Classes).

Every Tuesday evening from 5:00 to 6:00 we will be doing some group tapping as we help each other clear some emotional baggage. Fee $42. + HST = $48.30

Then Join us from 6:30 to 7:45 for a Yoga Taps Yin Class. This class blends Chanting. Tapping, Yin Yoga, Meditation, and Affirmations. Fee $77 + HST = $88.50

Special fee if taking both classes $105. + HST = $120.75

As COVID 19 Protocol requires that workshops/seminars be scheduled we ask that you go to the following website to book and pay for your workshops/seminars. We are not allowed drop-ins, however, as this is a course that builds upon itself, on the first night only,  check the website or call the day of the event we will let you know if there are any spaces still available

Website: Please come back soon, We will post the website when it goes live

Email (info.eventsholistic@gmail.com) or Call 902-916-4341 if you have any questions.

Please register with us by calling or emailing the following: Health Within Holistic Centre (902) 566-5009 info@healthwithinholistics.com

Find out more

Beginner Muscle testing/Emotion Codes Workshop
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM   Jan 28, 2021
(Self Improvement)

Part 1: Learn Basic Muscle Testing Workshop

Part 2: Learn Basic Emotion Codes

Thursdday January 28th 6:00 – 9:00 Fee: $25 + HST = $28.75

What if you had a way that you could tap into your intuition. Actually, that’s what Muscle Testing can be. Muscle testing can be like a metaphor for your intuition. It’s a simple and easy to learn tool that requires no special equipment.

In this introduction to Muscle Testing workshop, you will learn a few basic Muscle Testing techniques. It will be necessary to learn these techniques before the second part of the workshop – the Emotion Codes.

The Emotion Codes is a tool developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Dr Nelson says that the Emotion Code

o    Quickly and easily can rid yourself of damaging emotional baggage and “trapped emotions.”

o    Can find and teardown your “Heart-wall” to unlock better health, relationships and abundance.

o    Can learn how trapped emotions can create physical discomfort, emotional stress and even eventual disease.

Note: This workshop will be a great pre-requisite however not necessary to take the Muscle Testing and Emotion Code Intensive Part 1.

As COVID 19 Protocol requires that workshops/seminars be scheduled we ask that you go to the following website to book and pay for your workshops/seminars. We are not allowed drop-ins, however if you check the website or call the day of the event we will let you know if there are any spaces still available

Website: Please come back soon, We will post the website when it goes live

Email (info.eventsholistic@gmail.com) or Call 902-916-4341 if you have any questions.


Please register with us by calling or emailing the following: Health Within Holistic Centre (902) 566-5009 info@healthwithinholistics.com

Find out more

"Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut."


Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Aliquam laoreet sapien ac ornare mollis. Etiam ut neque ullamcorper, sodales purus vel, euismod leo. Duis vestibulum ipsum eu facilisis aliquet. Donec pulvinar mauris in leo luctus rutrum et ut velit.


Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci


Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci


Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci

Aenean efficitur orci


Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Aliquam laoreet sapien ac ornare mollis. Etiam ut neque ullamcorper, sodales purus vel, euismod leo. Duis vestibulum ipsum eu facilisis aliquet. Donec pulvinar mauris in leo luctus rutrum et ut velit.

Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut. Praesent in magna metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas aliquet commodo justo, sed pretium tellus fermentum ut.
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(+27) 835667431
(+27) 835667432